Logo Willems Classics
Webshop for standard signs

Enamel Sign Industry/B2B


Communication for business-to-business applications requires a high quality, flexible thinking in the realization and an impeccable quality. Customized forms, almost all desired colors and combinations, many types of applications and creative designs.
Willems Classics is your partner for your communication in enamel, tin and aluminum. You supply the creativity and we deliver the application. Be inspired by the menu “Products” or contact us via the menu choice “Offer”.


Specifically for the industry we provide enamel and tin advertising signs & dealer plates in many desired forms.


Flat, curved or contour cut; all this in consultation and depending on the application.
Individually or in larger quantities, Willems Classics provides these in the famous Top Enamel quality.



Enamel facade advertising with the emphasis on sustainability and graffiti resistance.
We take care of traffic signs and signals where appearance is important per unit.
Whether this is produced for the government or municipality, water regulatory authority or production company.
Enamel signs in the form of a thermometer or enamel clock gives the advertisement extra strength.


Functionality is added to the brand so that visibility is guaranteed.


Ask for the options with your logo / advertisement, without any obligations.

A few examples

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If you have any question feel free to contact us!


Request a quote trough our form


Quality since 1983

Fast delivery

Direct from our own production


Involved in your project


Lasting publicity for your brand